Welcome to New Era Power
Your Partner in Electricity
New Era Power (NEP) is the preferred energy solutions partner for C&I businesses across Texas. We combine the spirit of a startup with our 30 years of combined industry expertise to help businesses define, create, and implement their energy management strategy. Our senior management team recognizes that your annual energy spend represents dollars at risk, and that the most effective way to managing those dollars is to implement a sound and proactive energy management strategy. NEP innovates with forward thinking solutions for Texas businesses and institutions in core areas including:
Strategic Energy Procurement
Utility Bill Management
Turn-Key LED Solutions
Services & Project Assist™

NEP Services
Our team of experts handle all energy management needs including electricity and natural gas procurement, utility bill analysis and management, tax exemptions, tax refunds, LED lighting and Demand Management programs. While you’re looking for competitive pricing on your future electricity or natural gas contracts, let us assist you in achieving a more energy efficient path.
Let NEP be your partner in electricity!
Project Assist™
New Era Power offers it’s in-house bill funding program called Project Assist™. This cost savings program provides an opportunity to pay for your energy efficient projects with limited to no-upfront capital with a 48 to 60 month energy enrollment. Some of our customers had their entire LED project paid for by Project Assist™!
The savings achieved by reducing consumption and improving your load profile will positively impact your business costs and reduce energy spend.
New Era Power Clients

New Era Power’s portfolio includes clients from a wide array of industries. Just a few
examples of our work, results and testimonials from our clients are provided here and help illustrate the value we provide.
Click the link below to learn more.